Thursday, October 6, 2022

American Outlook On Anti-War sentiment


I often found in funny that war could be considered both a good and bad thing. On paper war sounds animalistic, pointless, and brutal. Yet time and time again war has brought a booming economy and times of cultural boom for Americans. This can be seen after WW1 with the roaring 20s and during WW2 when we were brought out of the great depression. With this in mind the US government throughout history has spun it so that they get the public to believe that any war at any given time is "necessary" or "justified". This is because the US government understands one simple thing war equals money and information and in the modern world both equal power. 

Understanding that idea is crucial when looking at how governments work in the modern world and its no surprise that you often don't hear about Anti-war sentiment on mainstream news or across the media in mass. You may occasionally hear some Anti-war protests pop up here or there but after that nothing just silence. This is because the US government manipulates the public in small ways to get us focused on other topics that don't matter. Then when a war pops up they spin the narrative to their benefit. 

Would I say that Anti-war sentiment is non-existent; no, however it would be ignorant to believe that the government isn't trying to line their pockets by pushing for war during times of peace. 

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