Sunday, October 9, 2022

Age Of AI

 What is A.I?

A.I also known as artificial intelligence has become an important part of our lives. Many of us go through our lives without understanding the impact A.I has on our everyday lives. With that being said it's important to understand the technological change A.I is making on our lives by looking at what A.I is, the positive and negative effects it has on our lives we can begin to understand the long term effects A.I will have on us as a species. 

So what is A.I? Well the simple answer is it is intelligence that can compute and process information displaying simulated intelligence. However I feel that this is an oversimplification of what A.I is because there are various types of software and and machines that are used in everyday life that have A.I. To name a few: search engines, recommendation systems, social media, some online games like chess. These are just some of the applications A.I is typically used in our everyday lives.

Pros of A.I

As said above A.I holds a powerful influence over our lives and it continues to improve has we move forward in technological advancements. A.I has helped improve the quality of everyday life in incredible ways. For example the overall efficiency of factory pipeline efficiency has dramatically increased due the fact that factories need less workers and can work 24/7 with minimal repairs needed. This allows people to focus on the things that matter more in life and allow people to continue their lives and progress in new ways that push us forward as a species.


Cons of A.I

With all the good that A.I is doing for us one has to question what is the negative side of A.I? The biggest negative that is caused by A.I is that advancements in A.I technology lead to more advance machines which often leads to the replacement of the working force and cause people to be laid off. This creates an ever growing gap between the lower and higher class and ultimately dissolves the presence of a middle class. Ultimately A.I is a risk that humanity needs to understand and control otherwise we risk being controlled by the companies who control the A.I that is used in everyday life.

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