Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Eight Values of Free Expression

 Over the years I've grown up and advanced my education the saying "Marketplace of ideas" keeps popping up and it always intrigued me. The idea originally coined by English Poet John Milton states that in a free thinking system no matter what the truth will always emerge from a competition of thoughts and ideas, the truth always finds a way out. Even though the idea was originally published of back in 1644 I believe that now more than ever we need to understand this idea.  

With all this free speech being thrown around                                                                                               in today's world its hard to understand what is true and what isn't.   

  News stations spinning the truth to sound entertaining at the cost of being 100% truthful,                            confirmation bias and echo chambers everywhere. It can be very overwhelming to try and find the truth amongst all this free speech. However I can't help but notice that John Milton's philosophy on how the truth always finds a way is true. No matter how many lies or half truths are said the truth always finds a way out. Now what people choose to believe is a completely different story which is where the problem with echo chambers lie. You can shout from the rooftops speaking the truth yet time and time again there's always people who don't believe the truth because they are so set on what they believe is the "truth" that they refuse to see the real truth. 

It's my belief that the truth is under attack. Many people nowadays want to belong to something, to an idea even if it isn't their own, and they are willing to sacrifice the truth for it. It seems like no one wants to reasonably talk things out and try to find the truth as John Milton stated. It is also my belief that John Milton's idea of "the truth shall prevail" is slowly becoming diluted. In the past the government has with held the truth and the people were truth-seekers but what happens when the people no longer want the truth. These are confusing times where lots of change is happening the freedom of expression has been overtaken by confirmation bias, polarized ideas, and echo chambers. It seems like it is getting harder and harder to seek the truth.


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