Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Blog Post #1 News Sources

 Personal Thoughts On Modern News

In today's world there is so much news floating around it is often times very difficult to keep track of it all. This has created a bit of a problem in today's world where it can be hard to find "real news". Many of the big news companies nowadays fluff up their stories to entertain their audiences rather than inform. This is why I stay away from name brand news companies because if I wanted to be entertained I would just go watch a movie or play video games not drown myself in meaningless fluffed up news posts that may or may not be true. With that being said I do still intake news and have my sources.


YouTube is probably my most common source of information I often use YouTube for gaming related news. I wouldn't say I use it for real world news gathering but I do gather news casually just by going through YouTube. Again I don't really actively search for current events going on in the world. I mostly keep up with gaming news and game related topics. YouTube is a format that gaming has been built on so gaming news is ideally found on YouTube,


I understand a lot of the culture around Twitter can be a bit aggressive and is often times seen as a social media battle field, however I use Twitter to keep up with game development news as most well known game developers/ game developing companies are on Twitter and post regularly. It is my hope that I can maybe one day reach one of these developing companies and share my works with them. These are really the only reasons why I use Twitter I don't actively seek out controversial topics or anything I just like to keep up to date on game dev news.


One of the most well known game news companies they are known for having controversial gaming discussion and game reviews, however I use IGN to keep up to date with new games that are releasing soon. I tend to stay clear of their game reviews because they aren't very trust worthy in that regard. I don't typically use IGN often but when it comes to mainstream game release news I do look towards IGN for updates.

Game Informer

Game Informer is my preferred magazine of choice when it comes to game reviews. Once a month they send out gaming magazines filled with all the latest gaming news. They tell their readers what games have come out and a brief description about them as well as a review of how good the games are.  


Instagram is my final source of news that I use. I usually use it to keep up with friends and to gather inspiration for art projects. However I gather news casually just by scrolling through. Most of it is probably fake or bloated but I feel as long as I am aware of what I am consuming I can avoid the "fake news".

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