Monday, September 12, 2022

Supreme Court US

The US Supreme Court

The US Supreme Court, the highest court on the federal level of the US government is tasked with overseeing the judicial branch, keeping the executive and legislative branches in check, and handling the highest level of federal cases. 

After looking into the Supreme Court using I came to realize that I don't know much about the US Supreme Court. For example I didn't know that the Justice's of the Supreme Court were nominated by the President and elected by the Senate. The Supreme Court has a very important history that many people often take for granted including myself. This is led me down a rabbit hole of personal thought that made me question just how much do everyday people like you and me actually know about the government and what goes on in D.C. Probably the most important take away from my research has the highest jurisdiction over all laws within the United States. This can be scary if you think about it just a handful of selected individuals that are in office for life control the laws we live under.

Bouncing off of what I said in above about the Supreme Court having all the power over the laws here in the United States. That is probably the most surprising thing I learned about the Supreme Court, that seems like a lot of power to give one branch of the federal government and that doesn't include the other powers given to the Judicial system. 

After watching part 1 and part 2 of the videos my opinion on the Supreme Court didn't change much. However it did give me insight into what goes on in the Supreme Court on a daily basis which I had know understanding to prior to the video.

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